Package-level declarations


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data class DLCheckoutResult(val cardToken: String, val totalAmount: Double, val installments: Int, val installmentsId: String?, val installmentsAmount: Double)

Object that contains the result data of the card tokenization.

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Styles to apply to the fields of the form.

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Entry point for all interactions with the library.

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data class DLMobileCheckoutTheme(val formStyle: DLFormStyle = DLFormStyle.DEFAULT, val textColor: Pair<Int, Int>? = null, val titleColor: Pair<Int, Int>? = null, val titleSize: Int? = null, val buttonText: String? = null, val labelColor: Pair<Int, Int>? = null, val hintColor: Pair<Int, Int>? = null, val outlineColor: Pair<Int, Int>? = null, val fillColor: Pair<Int, Int>? = null, val errorColor: Pair<Int, Int>? = null, val buttonTextColor: Pair<Int, Int>? = null, val buttonTextSize: Int? = null, val buttonBackgroundColor: Pair<Int, Int>? = null, val backgroundColor: Pair<Int, Int>? = null, val scanColor: Pair<Int, Int>? = null, val scanTextSize: Int? = null)

Defines the theme for the checkout form interface. You customize your checkout experience by creating an instance of this class and setting up the values you want to customize.